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Onko sinulla ongelmia lisäosien kanssa? Ennen kuin otat meihin yhteyttä, tarkista alta yleiset ongelmat ja niiden ratkaiseminen.

Yleisiä ongelmia:

Tyre Wobble

Tyre Wobble/Warp/Hop/Kink/Deform can be due to a number of causes. Here we cover most of the causes and solutions, work through the list in order for the highest chance of success in resolving the issue. Please note, if the below doesn't solve the issue it is likely that the wobble is irreversible and you'll need to speak to your tyre retailer about a possible warranty. 

Bead Not Seated Correctly

  •  Tyres have a bead line a few mm above the bead that indicate correct seating. Check your bead line is a uniform distance from the rim all the way around the tyre, sometimes the difference between an incorrectly installed tyre and a correct one can be very minimal so take the time to carefully inspect the seating. We recommend identifying the max inflation markings on the tyre and ensuring the tyre is inflated to this pressure. (Note: Hookless rims have a limit that is usually lower than the tyre max inflation limit. Do not exceed this as you may incur spontaneous blow out). Leave the tyre for a while to allow it to seat over time, if you inspect the bead you may see the bead line slowly moving outward. It's possible you will need to deflate, manipulate the tyre to free it up and allow it to seat properly and reinflate, repeating the process a number of times. If you are sure the bead is 100% Seated move on to the next step. Sometimes, installing the bead with soap and water can lubricate the rubber and help it seat. 

Rim Not True/Has Buckle, Has a Hop

  • It's possible the wheel you have mounted the tyre too is subtly buckled and you have not noticed. If you have a truing stand you can check accurately. Alternatively you can use a tooth pick or zip tie to identify the wobble. Place it on the fork leg or seat stay so it is rigid and spin the wheel, watching for the small gap between the pick and rim changing. Assuming it's not buckled, move on to the next step.

Insert Twisted During Installation

  • Whilst we have very little evidence to suggest that Rimpact (or any other insert brand) Inserts cause tyre wobble directly, we concede that if the insert became twisted during installation, there is a chanced that it could inhibit the correct seating of the tyre causing the wobble. The density of the foam is such that it decreases slightly in volume when under the pressure of 20+ psi meaning it does not actively press on the tyre when the wheel is static. It is designed to engage the tyre once the tyre is moving and beginning to roll in the corners. Further to this the outward force that 40+ psi applies on the carcass of the tyre significantly outmatches the outward pressure the foam exerts on the sidewalls. Thus, if your wobble remains at this pressure, the likelihood is that the insert is not the item at fault. With the above said, it's still worth following these steps to ensure all bases are covered. First, deflate the tyre and begin rolling it back and forth to level the insert out. You should be able to feel the insert within the tyre and grab and manipulate it somewhat. Repeat the process around the tyre until you are sure it is fully level and straight and then reinflate. 

Bead Has Snapped/Stretched or Failed

  • A common issue we see with tyres is failed beads, particularly on Maxxis tyres. The cause of this is partially due to over zealousness during installation and the use of burly tyre levers, stretching the bead and causing failure however, often the two layers of rubber that make up the carcass are misaligned. As inserts significantly reduce the space available to fit the bead and carcass over the rim, often users resort to using levers prematurely rather than ensuring more care and attention is placed on following the step by step process. Skipping to the tyre lever stage and forcing the bead over the rim before the bead is ready can cause the bead to snap, stretch or kink. This is where it gets complicated. If you've reached this step and think you may have a failed bead, the only way to know for sure is to remove the insert and reinstall the tyre so see if a wobble remains. The insert may aggravate the wobble so pay attention to where the wobble is before removing the insert. If the wobble remains, unfortunately it is likely your bead has failed (or the carcass has failed as per the last step below), and you'll need to look at replacing the tyre. If you didn't use levers or put any undue force into the bead during installation, you could consider claiming a replacement under warranty. 

Tyre Has Been Incorrectly Manufactured

  • The final step of the process is to identify whether the carcass has loosened or has been laid up incorrectly causing a wobble. This can happen when the two layers of a dual ply tyre that are laid on top of each other are not aligned correctly. The causes tight spots and weak spots which in turn manifests as a wobble. This can happen at any point in a tyres life, not just from new. Assuming you've covered the above steps and the wobble remains, it is more than likely your tyre has failed (this is way more common that you'd think) and it's time to contact your retailer to see if it will be covered under warranty. Whilst all of our research, investigations and years of experience point us to the conclusion that inserts (from all the major brands we've tested) aren't the direct cause of tyre wobble, we concede that they play a roll in increasing the difficulty of fitting and thus lead users to force tyres beyond their capabilities. We do not believe that tyres should fail so easily as they are expected to perform under harsh conditions and extreme loads exceeding the typical forces applied during an installation.  

Renkaan puhallus vanteesta

Jos renkaasi on irronnut vanteeltasi, joko asennuksen tai ajon aikana, näiden tietojen pitäisi auttaa.  

Onko sinulla koukuttomat vanteet? Jos et ole varma, mitä nämä ovat, tee nopea Internet-haku selvittääksesi  jos vanteet ovat koukuttomia ja mitä se tarkoittaa. Jos ne ovat, sinun kannattaa katsoa vanteen valmistajien tietoja vanteen vähimmäis- ja enimmäispaineista, koska ne on yleensä rajoitettu 30 PSI:iin tai sitä alhaisempaan. Tämä voi johtua siitä, että rengas puhaltaa vanteelta, kun se alun perin täytetään, koska on yleinen käytäntö asettaa rengas korkealle paineelle. Se voi myös olla syynä räjähdyksiin polulla, jos käytät korkeampia paineita ja osut lujasti penkkeihin, kun  Sinun, pyöräsi ja sarjan kokonaispaino ylittää Hookless-rakenteen kyvyn. On myös tärkeää käyttää Hookless-yhteensopivia renkaita Hookless-vanteilla, koska jotkut rengasvalmistajat kieltävät nimenomaisesti niiden käytön koukkuttomilla vanteilla.  

Toinen syy räjähdyksiin voi olla vanhat kuluneet renkaat. Kuinka vanhat renkaasi ovat, kuinka löysällä vanteella, onko räjähdys tapahtunut monta kertaa vai onko tämä ensimmäinen kerta? Kaikki nämä tekijät voivat vaikuttaa räjähdyksiin. Harkitse kokoonpanosi päivittämistä, sillä ulospuhallukset ovat merkki siitä, että komponentit  saattaa ylittää käyttöiän.

Jos mikään yllä olevista ei ole olennainen ja sinulla on ollut useampi kuin yksi räjähdys  se ei ollut yksittäistapaus, ota yhteyttä.

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